If you are keen to fundraise for your chosen charity but are not quite sure where to start, fear not, with our A-Z guide of fundraising ideas, there’s bound to be one or two activities which take your fancy.
Arts and Crafts Event: invite your friends round, roll your sleeves up and get creative! Try your hand at making some greetings cards or decorations and sell them to your network or at a craft fair.
Bingo: host a bingo night with your friends, charge to take part and offer some small prizes to the winners.
Cake Sale: make some tasty treats and sell them in the office or your local area.
Disco: hire a hall and host a party with a series of dance off competitions. Charge an entry free and offer a prize to the competition winners.
Eco-Friendly Challenge: get sponsored to go a week (or even a month) without driving, plastic, meat or any other selection of non-sustainable products you often use.
Fancy Dress Day: pay £2 to go to work in fancy dress. It’s sure to liven up a rainy Wednesday! (Be sure to run it past HR first).
Give Something Up: is there something you have always wanted to give up or cut down? Get people to sponsor you to go a month without chocolate, alcohol or smoking and reap the health benefits!
Head Shave: get some sponsors and shave your head for your chosen charity or cause.
International Evening: host a fun themed evening based around the culture of your favourite country. Charge a fee for the yummy cuisine you create.
Jewellery Making: create a workshop on Eventbrite and teach attendees to make bracelets, rings or necklaces.
Karaoke Night: get friends over, charge a small fee per song and have fun! You could even provide a prize for best and worst singing.
Loose Change Collection: invite everyone in the office to donate their loose change.
Music Evening: source some ‘talent’ to perform live or simply host a themed evening and blast out some classic tunes. E.g. a 90’s music night.
Name the Teddy Bear: pay a competition entry fee, guess the name of the bear and the winner takes home the bear.
Obstacle Course: take part in a challenge event or set up your own for people to take part in at a local park or garden.
Personal Challenge: set yourself a challenging target and get people to sponsor you to achieve it! You’ll feel great once you’ve done it and raised loads of money for your chosen cause too.
Quiz Night: pay an entry fee per team, research some wacky questions and find a prize for the winning team.
Raffle: obtain some great donated prizes and sell raffle tickets at work, home or events.
Sports Day: host a primary school style sports day and don’t forget the Egg and Spoon race!
Treasure Hunt: how well do you know your local area? Think of some interesting places nearby, write some fun clues, find a prize for the winner and then sell entry tickets. You could even theme it. A haunted treasure hunt anyone?
Unusual Dress Dinner: diners pay to attend your themed dinner in the most unusual dress they can find. You could even make it a themed event and give out awards for the most unusual outfits.
Variety Show: get your friends and family to show off their talents at your very own variety show. All sorts of talents could emerge.
Walk: take part in a sponsored walk or arrange your own with friends and family.
X-Box or Console Tournament: pay to enter and the winner gets a percentage of the takings. The rest of the funds raised go to your chosen charity or cause.
Yes Challenge: say yes to anything asked of you for a day. Get your boss or teachers to take part too and see what they’ll say yes to.
Zumba-thon: book a hall, sell tickets and get everyone involved in your fun fitness event!
Once you have decided which fundraising idea you’d like to do, the next step is to create your fundraising page. It's super easy to do this on Crowdfunder.co.uk.
Just find the charity you want to support, create your page and share it with your supporters (the people buying tickets to your event, buying your products or those entering your competition etc).
The funds you raise will be transferred to your chosen charities bank account for you. Simple.