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Does your organisation need a
Theory of Change ?

Need to win more funding bids and empower your teams with

renewed focus and purpose?

Ethical Good and our partners Relativ Impact have helped many leaders of purposed based organisations with the process of creating an impactful Theory of Change

A clear Theory of Change can help you to create winning funding applications and provide you with a roadmap to achieve your impact goals

In October we will be hosting a fast-track, London-based workshop, where we are inviting charity leaders and their core leadership teams to join us for a full-day session of planning effective strategies and pathways to enable attendees to achieve even greater positive change in the future.


This workshop is an opportunity to rethink impact goals and target outcomes of your organisation with the support of global experts on creating Theory of Change models.


Join us to develop a framework to help you drive greater overall impact. You will leave the session with an effective blueprint for measuring, managing and achieving your charitable impact goals.


You will also have the opportunity to test your new TOC against your charity peers. (If you already have a TOC, this workshop can be used to revamp it.)


To register your interest please email us at 


Or, click the image below to attend our free 30 minute online Information Session (5 sept, 11am) to find out more and ask any questions before you secure your tickets to the in-person workshop. 

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